Our Services
Our approach is to empower people. We can all face problems that seem complicated or intimidating. We believe no one should have to face these problems without good quality, independent advice. Our work gives people the knowledge and the confidence they need to find their way forward.
How to get help
There is a wealth of information in our Self Help. However, if you want to talk to someone please call Adviceline on 0808 278 7907 which is available Monday to Friday 9:30- 4:30pm (Monday morning is the busiest time). If when talking to an adviser they think you need an appointment with a local office, or you need a call back they will arrange this for you.
We can also give comprehensive advice via email. You will need to complete a short form with your details, providing as much information as you can about your issue. You can also upload supporting documents. Go here to find out more.
For our vulnerable clients or those with access needs we have drop-in sessions at each of our advice hubs. Drop in can be busy so please be prepared and patient.
Office and outreach locations and drop-in hours
Address: Abbey House, OX14 3JD
Adviceline: 0808 278 7907
Admin number: 01235 550553 (not for advice)
Drop-in hours:
Wednesday 10am – 1pm
Thursday 10am – 1pm
Address: King Alfred’s Community Centre, OX11 7NU
Adviceline: 0808 278 7907
Admin number: 01235 750750 (not for advice)
Drop-in hours:
Monday 9.30am – 12.30pm
Wednesday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Address: 32 Market Place, RG9 2AH
Adviceline: 0808 278 7907
Admin number: 01491 578267 (not for advice)
Drop-in hours:
Tuesday 10am – 1pm
Thursday 10am – 1pm
Address: Market House, North Street, OX9 3HH
Adviceline: 0808 278 7907
Admin number: 01844 217186 (not for advice)
Drop-in hours:
Monday 9.30 – 1.30pm
Tuesday 9.30am – 1.30pm
Thursday 9.30am – 1.30pm
Faringdon Outreach
Address: Faringdon Town Council, The Pump House, SN7 7JA
Adviceline: 0808 278 7907
Drop-in hours:
Wednesday 10am –1pm
Wallingford Outreach
Address: Baptist Church, Thames Street, OX10 0BH
Adviceline: 0808 278 7907
Drop-in hours:
Every other Wednesday 9.30am –12.30pm
6 March, 20 March 3, Apr, 17 Apr, 1 May, 15 May, 29th May,
12 June, 26 June, 10 July, 24 July, 7 Aug, 21 Aug and every two weeks after that.